Monday, November 8, 2010


i clocked out of work today, to sit in line with a group of  people waiting for the newest installment of a video game, roomate bought an early copy i guess so i found myself in the foggy,rainy, cold outdoors hangin' out with people that choose to spend their time playing this game. and i found it pretty cool really.  the game is "call of duty" i thinkk, black op's . i was out of my element,..i haven't the dedication that these lonley people have, i kind of wish i did though, they were all so excited and dressed up, it was kinda funny being the "dork" the only person that wasn't a "gamer" i was the outcast in line,...there was a couple of cute girls too but i had no idea how to flirt with them.  It was sad 'cause 'nerdy girls are so cute, but you have to know your nerdness to talk to them, weird, girls are just a complication, i wish i weren't so attracted to them as my life might be much anyway i forgot what i was talking about,...i want to talk about food, and how to cook food

thanksgiving is around the perverbial corner isn't it?
I love this holiday, because it's eat and cook and family,...i miss that very much, as christmas can get very complicated, whereas thanksgiving is just simple. ....imiss it very much, i think my favorite thanksgiving's have been in brookings oregon, with the peeps and bobbers and even once with bartels too.. brother jake made a cover for my turkey deep fry,.. he really loves me,i can tell.
       my favorite meal was one i had with bobber and brother jake and holly and the peeps, i made little chickens and coursed a meal out, i think sister holly took some pictures, however i always loose these pictures, this is why i need to blog about these things so i can remember what i do.

Anyway once again, i want to give a navy bean soup recipe but i can't seem to find one.  i can tell you that the beans are important, when you soak the beans, it is also important to bring into play some aromatics, water and beans are good, but introduce water beans and bayleaf, or peppercorn, and or thyme and garlick, perhaps parsly, these are all things that bring flavor that most would overlook,.but really that's what's so cool about cooking, .....really the little tiny things that you would overlook just to get to "EATIN TIME"!, no no my friends, listen to the water as it simmers, smell the stuff as it simmers , get to know your food before you eat it, love it and care for it .  there is somthing so romantic about watching a pot of bones and cartalige simmering for hours and hours,..taking a nap and getting up to smell marrow cooked slowly, and bones giving up the good thickness to a broth,..somthing you made and had the patience to watch,and babysit. this is once more somthing that we can all do very easily and should do more often, we can feed ourselves a lot easier than we tramp our selves out to the eating habbits of the common blue collar worker,....we are better than that, let's eat better than that.


  1. This is good. I wish I could take a nap today while my lard renders (not on my body, of course... I am trying a new crock pot version of the render). Also, bagels are on the menu for today. You should really be here for that one.

  2. you dear sister should try the bagels out here, the pizza crust too! it's somthing about the water here but the bread here is amazing

  3. PLans changed today, Made apple sauce instread of rendering lard. Apples were going bad. Made bagels, steak sand for lunch, Homemade pot pie for dinner. Meseret is working on the butterscotch pie. Very purposeful food day. Sometimes the rain is nice... I'd love to try the bagels there someday.... Pizza crust is always iffy for me. I love a good pizza crust. One time in Ashland on oour anniv. trip, we had killer pizza made with a sourdough crust. Also one time in Ashland: Claire was "thought up". We've never been back so far......
