Sunday, November 7, 2010


My lovely and talented sister in law i choose to call Holly, managed to keep herself up many hours glued to a computer screen ignoring her starving kids just to make this page for me, she probably made dinner burped,chamged diapers, and taught silas algebra at the same time..  Anyway, that was a thank you Holly.

          So I go back ro work today after a gruelling three days off ,doing nothing but tye fly's and cook food,..I'm so dull really.  This part of the states is quite grim this time of year, very grey and foggy, kinda rainy, and people talk a little funny.  OOOh also the political game here is way more of a bloodsport then back east,..I mean people here are serious! it's crazy.  the elections are over , i don't know who won but it's everyone talks about here in the great state of post will have a recipe

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